Those Forgotten
Carrie Brill - you were my guardian angel in Memphis, Tennessee. I envied your bohemian lifestyle and carefree attitude towards life. Your trip across the country went terribly awry after a one-night-stand ended up a serious relationship. My favorite moment; you were working smoking on a crowded Friday night, and came out of the kitchen with a huge tray of food and then CRASH! You dropped it. Instead of getting flustered, you stood there and laughed. And when I came out of the kitchen with a huge tray in the non-smoking dining room, I saw your mess, started to laugh, and dropped my tray, too. We both stood there, in two crowded dining rooms with irate customers laughing at each other.
Brandon Metheny, the grill cook with the devil in his pants - I never thanked you for the day you emptied out the kitchen and chased my stalker out of the parking lot. You probably saved my life; you definately saved me from getting a black eye, which would have been hard to explain to the management. I hope you never cut your hair, even though they kept threatening to fire you. I hope your followed your dream to be a musician and got out of that kitchen.
Tammy Kelley - I owe you the biggest apology ever. You were the friend who had my back at the lowest time of my life; if not for you, I might have ended up dead in the woods. You were strength when I didn't have any. I allowed our friends to treat you horribly. I should have been more mature. I should have not gotten involved in petty girl crap. I should have asked you to stand in my wedding. If it makes you feel better, I ended up divorced. You really didn't miss much. I hope things worked out for you. I hope you found happiness.
Faye, the waitress with Rod Stewart hair - you were my mother in Memphis. You allowed me to vent, you took me under your wing, and you were always there to listen. I hope hormone therapy helped you; I know how bad you felt.
Kathy Corkern - You pretended to be flaky, but I knew you were always much smarter than you let on. You were the most tolerant person I ever knew, long before I came to appreciate tolerance for what it can accomplish. I hope you got your job teaching art. You really should teach a lesson on balloon animals. I miss you lots, and hope your marriage is as great as mine.
These are just five of many, many people that I wish I'd kept in touch with. Sacha & Stacey Swenson, Billy the linebacker, Ashton Williams, Jack Montgomery, Kevin & Jason, everybody at Cracker Barrel #36 in Memphis, a few from #138 in Slidell (I still know all my letters & numbers, by the way), people who made me what I am, I miss you all, and wish I'd been as good a friend to you as you were to me. Have a great New Year, where ever you are.