Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I was tagged by TexasGoodies and I figure if I don't share then I'll have seven years of bad luck or something....

Here's the rules:

Go write 6 weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
Then leave a comment that says “You are tagged” in their comments telling them to read your blog.

Now, six things about me....

1. I wear stripper shoes, but I am not and NEVER HAVE BEEN a stripper. I just love platforms, even though I'm already 5'11". I usually top out somewhere around 6'3" with the shoes. I figure if I'm going to be freak of nature, I'm going all out.

2. I twirled a flag in the 1992 Florida Citrus Bowl Halftime show in a shiny wizard costume. Harry Potter would be proud.

3. I used to date a guy whose grandmother had a six-foot alligator named Mike. She's feed it chicken twice a week. One day, my new puppy disappeared. A few days later, two more dogs disappeared. A few days after that, his nephew was playing next to the pond with another dog when Mikey decided to grab a snack. Luckily, he got the dog and not the kid. I've hated alligators ever since.

4. In 2002, I was the "Fastest Woman In Louisiana." No, not a reference to stripper shoes. I was the Trans-Louisiana Autocross Women's Champion. Okay, so it's not the Indianapolis 500, but according to the SCCA, it's racing! I won in a Miata. Despite upgrading to some very impressive cars, I've never been able to win again since.

5. My other career choices in high school were 1) genetic scientist or 2) lawyer. I chose to be a graphic artist instead. I'd love to go back to high school and beat my guidance counselor with a baseball bat.

6. On my first day all by myself as the youngest manager in the history of Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, I had a kid lock all the bathroom stalls, so I had to climb on the filty floor and unlock all of them. I also had a gas leak, which brought the fire department. And to finish off the day, a fat man had a heart attack during the lunch rush. More sirens. That same day was the first time I received flowers from what is now my husband, and I quit that job shortly thereafter.

As I was writing this, I realized that I have a pretty colorful history. And I always thought of myself as boring! So I pass the Tag Plague onto the following victims, er, participants: Just Kelly because she's REAL, Big Pink Cookie beacuase I love her photographs, I Don't Think beacuase, yes, somebody DOES read your blog, Ain't Chicken because she's funny as hell, Pete, because his blog reminds me of Dennis Miller, Mary @ French Roast, even though I know she hates this shit but she's too interesting to NOT do this to, & finally, TexasBug, because even though I don't always agree with her, she brings up some good points and occasionally makes me laugh. To the people I tagged, I'm sorry, but it is a form of flattery, because I admire your work!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really thought I had heard it all. That is about the most colorful 6 I have seen. Sorry I didn't play. Maybe I need to be tagged or something.


10:54 AM  

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