Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Thanks For Nothing

I've been trying to launch a fledgling photography business on the side (because I have SO MUCH free time), and I've taken on a few jobs for free. Actually, they're not free, because I get exclusive rights to use the photographs in advertising, but for the models I've chosen, it's a win-win situation; they get free pictures for their portfolio, and I don't have to pay a modeling fee.

So this weekend I had two shoots; one paying, one not. The paying gig was a referral from the non-paying gig, so I was pretty happy to do another shoot for the girl who got me the business. Not to mention the girl is beautiful, and she photographs extremely well with very little direction. So I was rather shocked when I was told she was angry because I took a picture of her friend with my car.

Now, eighteen was not THAT long ago, and I do recall that things were much more dramatic back then. Rivalries were fierce, even among friends. But flash forward twelve years, & I became really irritated.

1) If you're getting free pictures, and most of them are in the style of YOUR choosing, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

2) I am a 30-year-old woman, and I pay the note on my car, and if I want to take of picture of somebody with it, I will do so.

3) If the person taking a picture with said car happens to be your best friend, you should be happy for her.

4) If you're on good terms with the photographer, then chances are the opportunity will arise that you will be able to take the picture also.

5) If both you and your best friend are insanely beautiful, you should shut up and appreciate it before you make it to thirty and something as stupid as a picture doesn't matter anymore.

God, to be eighteen and have eighteen-year-old problems again.... try a mortgage, daycare, sick kid, stressful job, messy house, and bills, and if you make it through all that, then you can come back to me and bitch about a picture!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot - If she would have shown up when she was originally suppose to, the car would have been there.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry you feel this way, there was not a problem with the picture being taken with the car, it was a comment that was made by the friend that took the picture with the car, had you of been there when the comment was made you would have been upset as well the person you are angry with loves you dearly and would never be angry with you over something like this. As far as the comment by anonymous, BITE ME.

4:54 PM  

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