Friday, March 31, 2006

Biased Opinion

I know the way of American life. For the most part, American life is about the way of the dollar. Money runs the world. And I live in a peaceful state of apathy because I know that if I choose to challenge that, I will fail. But occasionally, something comes along and jars me out of my little box and makes me think about the injustices of the world.

I came across a blog by an Iraqi student that just made so much sense to me. When I watch our biased American news, I see Iraq on the brink of civil war, two fiery religions clashing in the streets. I don't see the people who sit in their houses waiting for the gunfire to end. I don't see the families who are just trying to survive the insanity. And I realized while watching our biased American news, that they don't show that happening in America, either...

It is amazing that in the name of God, or a god, whatever you call him, people will hack, bomb, drill, shoot, maim, hang & murder. It's not that I don't believe that their faith runs that deep; but how can anyone think that by inflicting pain on others that it will help you get to your promised land? Where are the gentle religions? Where are the merciful gods? Where did the value of a human life go?

Check out her blog. I bookmarked it to the right at "Riverbend." It's amazing how much our media can distort things.


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