Monday, April 10, 2006

Down at the Redneck Drive-In

Over the weekend, my husband & I decided to try out the new drive-in in Tomball. It's been over six months since we've gone out to a movie, which is unheard of for us. During that life before baby (distant, distant memory), we would go to the movies almost every week. Immediately post-baby, we thought we were going to be the "lucky" parents whose kid could sleep through anything, and we were until about seven months. The last movie we saw together was "Walk the Line." Actually, we didn't see it together because we spent the entire movie playing tag team with the baby in the lobby. So we were pretty excited to hear about the drive-in; freedom again! The ability to let the baby talk all she wants in the backseat without the angry stares and frequent "SHHHHHHH!"

We arrived around 7:30, and it was already packed. Row after row of Ford & Chevy pickup trucks with dirty children and beer coolers. I was a little apprehensive at first. If somebody pulled out a shotgun, there was no other option than to run. But the atmosphere was light, and the rednecks were jovial. Some stopped by to admire the truck (bright yellow F-250), others smiled at Alex as she played in her playpen. (Can't bring that to the cinema!) The weather was absolutely beautiful, and as the sun set and the lights came up, the old fifties music began to play and Alex danced happily on the backseat. (Can't do that either!) For $10, we watched two new releases (Ice Age 2 & Failure to Launch, and that would have cost us at LEAST $28), ate popcorn, and let the kid climb around the cab of the truck until she passed out in the backseat. During Intermission, the redneck children played happily on the field beneath the screen (no grass or fresh air at the megaplex). And aside from the creepy fifties music (which is catchy, but I can't get the movie "Christine" out of my head), it was a very pleasant evening.

I have a feeling we'll be frequenting that establishment more often. Me, my baby, my husband, fresh air & a beer cooler. What more do you need?


Blogger salcam said...

So cool!!!! We will have to go check it out before the real summer weather gets here.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I went to the local drive-in
which isn't there anymore, driving in
the front gate, a sign said, no drugs,
alcohol , guns, etc.
Well, people were setting in the bed
of thier pick-ups (bed facing the screen),with the cooler full of beer
and softdrinks. Sometime before the
movie began, some well medicated soul
came up to the car, and asked if I wanted to by some weed. No thank you
I replied, and the kids asked what weed was.
Still, I like the drive-in, there is the privacy of your own vehicle,
I brought chinese food , pate' and crackers ,stuff for the kiddos. Plus its
what's going on in the other vehicles that provides extra added

8:14 AM  

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