Sunday, October 23, 2005

Flash Shocked

In my profession, a sleek website is absolutely essential. So I'm browsing the web for resources, and I am completely flabbergasted at the prices of Flash elements. If you want sound on your website, (decent sound), it's going to cost you. So I, being the ultimate cheapskate and digital Martha Stewart, decided to start my own sound foundry. The site will be called the DJ Skye Project, and it will include FREE downloadable Flash loops. I understand there are many people out there trying to make a buck on the Web, but is it truly necessary to charge $200 for a collection of 50 sound loops? And people wonder why Limewire is so damned popular...

So, if you're a budding Flash sound artist and you want to get your name out there, I invite you to drop me a line and I will feature you on my site. You know as soon as you put the words "FREE download," there's gonna be some traffic...


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