Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm waiting in line at a particularly crowded Starbucks drive-thru the other day. The line is backed up so far that I have to wait on the street. So here I am, waiting patiently with my little blinker on, blinky-blinky, blinky-blinky, when this very RUDE woman in a white Nissan XTerra dives in front of me, not only cutting in front of me but blocking the flow of traffic in TWO directions.


The rage boiled over. I gave her the finger and yelled a few obcenities, but the window was up and she never even bothered to look back at me. I wondered how someone could be so heartless, so rude, so uncaring of another individual's needs. I know, I know, it's the line at STARBUCKS, it's not like I was waiting for a heart transplant or anything, but it's the PRINCIPLE. (I am, if you haven't guessed, a woman of principles). So I wondered, in my passive-aggressive way, how could I shame this rude woman into better behavior without a violent confrontation, when I had an epiphany. (because & are taken).

I always carry my camera with me, without fail. In the future, I will take a little snapshot of people like HER, and post her rude little mug all over the Internet. Of course, I couldn't be sure that they would stumble across themselves, so I've designed a calling card, pure simplicity...

You've the newest member on

Present this card to the offending party with a little smile & wave, and walk away knowing that you have possibly made the world a better place. Fast-lane karma.

Of course, my husband makes the observation, "Well, what happens when YOU end up on there?" Touché. That's fair. I drive like an ass, too. I guess if I end up on my own website, then I'll have to re-evaluate my behavior.

And that's all I ask for. Even I need to be put in my place occasionally.


Blogger salcam said...

Damn, I need a video camera for all the rudes I sustain on a daily basis. I must have an invisible target painted on my car that begs for every stupid blind redneck to cut me off at high rates of speed.

But I am inspired now to take my camera with me so I can submit to the site. My vengeance will be sweet!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

If you're going to photograph and/or video all the rude people in this city and then post it, you'll shut down the whole internet. A simple exclimation of "your mother was a man!" will suffice.

4:07 PM  

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