Friday, October 28, 2005

A.D.D. is Contagious

I used to be an incredibly focused person. Used to be. Enter Chip, my husband.

Chip has what I like to call The Idea of The Day (IOTD). Sometimes it's drastic ("Let's move!"), sometimes it's not (no example comes to mind, here.) He is constantly dreaming up new & exciting projects. The list is almost as long as the list of cars he has owned since we've been together. Some of these IOTD's could be amazing business propositions. Some of them could create one-of-a-kind collectibles that might catapult him into a new realm of fame never before encountered. Almost all of them are expensive in either a financial or emotional way.

There was a time when these IOTD's would send me into mini panic attacks. I've always been a stay-in-on-place kind of girl, and the very few times I tried to step out of my happy little box, things ended traumatically. Then, as years passed and these IOTD's slowly faded into ADD oblivion, I came to realize if I didn't like what he proposed, all I have to do is keep my mouth shut & wait. Two days later, it's gone. Completely. Never existed.

You see, Chip is my first experience with adult ADD. He hasn't been officially diagnosed, but we both know he has it. It's a running joke between us; he needs to go to the doctor but he keeps forgetting. The fact of the matter is, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love our quirky, crazy life. If he was medicated, it would supress all the characteristics that I love about him. Now, that being said, I've discovered a horrible side effect of ADD.

It's contagious.

Recently, I've begun to notice I have too many ideas. I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, but I forgot what it is I was supposed to be doing. Case in point: this website. ADD perfectly illustrated. Where is it going? What is the focus? WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE DO? Is she a designer? A photographer? A video editor? A webmaster? A sculptor? I can't answer that. I know that if I could find my focus again, I could be very successfully self-employed. But if I medicate myself to cure my newly-aquired ADD, I might lose the very creativity that drives me to pursue all of these interests.

Focus, focus... where the hell was I going with this?


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