Wednesday, October 26, 2005

If You're Ugly, Don't Advertise It

Quite often I come across instructions to "include picture in ad." I then turn the page to find Joe Blow's picture taken at high noon with every wrinkle, blemish, and horrible imperfection prominently displayed in the most hideous photographs known to man.

I'm not ugly, per se, but I'm no beauty queen, and I'm okay with that. I would NEVER want my picture in my advertising because it is SO true; a picture speaks a thousand words. People would look into my beady little eyes and immediate think, "She looks condescending. I don't think I'll call her." It amazes me that so many people in life are in complete denial. What is the purpose of putting your photo in your advertising? Do you think it will jog someone's memory?

"Oh yeah, I remember that face! I think I'll call that guy to fix my air conditioner!"

Seriously, why??? If you need fifteen minutes of fame, run down to your local bar and sing karaoke or something. At least that won't defer people from giving you business (unless you're a really bad singer). Photographs serve absolutely no purpose other than feeding your ego and wasting valuable white space. Class is not defined by your Glamour Shot. Even if you were blessed with a beautiful face, advertise your BUSINESS, not yourself. Your graphic artist will thank you for it.


Blogger Bill said...

Hey, finally H-town Blogs got their act together and updated their site. I'm in. Woo hoo!

Thanks for the nice comment.

5:52 PM  

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