Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bird Flu Part 2

I swear, in a vicious twist of fate, I started to feel better when suddenly, the cough came roaring back, this time accompanied by an unsettling tightness in my chest that resembles having a small child sitting on me. I've never been this sick this long, and it's a little spooky. People in my office are dropping like flies, also. It's enough to turn you into a roaring germophobe. Every time my daughter coughs, I cringe. Everytime I hear someone sneeze, I unconsciously hold my breath for 30 seconds.

I know it's the season for colds, but you'd think there would be a cure for them by now. We can treat a host of exotic diseases, but we can't cure the common cold? Why the hell is my prescription $80? I KNOW the drug companies are getting paid... where is all that money going? Are you telling me test tubes cost $50 each?

God, I start with a rant on germs and end up at healthcare reform.... I'm just SICK of being SICK.


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