Thursday, January 26, 2006


I allow myself to get entirely too worked up over the stupidest things. I make a PHONE BOOK for a living. Yawn. In one year, all the hard work I put into making this dumb book will be at the bottom of a dumpster or recycling bin. And that's assuming it makes it through the entire year; it might end up as a booster seat for little Timmy (TIMMY!) or as a leg on the broken sofa in somebody's trailer down the street. So who CARES if the the address for John Doe is perfectly correct?

I'll tell you. John Doe cares. John Doe cares so much that he has to call me up and talk my ear off about how inept I am for putting the abbreviation "Dr." instead of spelling out the word DRIVE. Now, I know I just posted about how important accuracy is, but this is a pretty common abbreviation found in the ADDRESS line, and this guy is all bent out of shape because some moron somewhere might mistake the abbreviation for Doctor, and he's not a doctor, he's a plumber.

Well, isn't that enough to make you want to drive a paper clip into your neck.....


Blogger salcam said...

You can't make some of the people happy any of the time or all of the people happy some of the time and some damn people are just NEVER happy. I suggest mailing HIM the paper clip with instructions on where to jab it.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be glad he didn't live on a blvd.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

You make the phone books???? Then can you tell me why there is an add for an Asian 'massage' spa with my phone number on it??????

5:58 PM  
Blogger The Ramblin Irishman said...

Kristie, couldn't you have used another name than Timmy? I never had a phone book for a booster seat. I had a lot of shoes that boosted me. Feel free to visit my blog.

4:50 PM  

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